The Booze Beat

Just another weblog

Globe reader Takes ‘Booze’ column/blog to task

Recently a Globe reader sent me a letter detailing her dislike of this blog and the column of the same name, which runs in the Globe’s Friday Enjoy section. I responded to the anonymous writer in the column and suggested she not be so quick to judge.  Well, that column inspired another Globe reader, Patricia Thompson, to submit a letter to the editor chiding the Globe for allowing a boozy column in the paper, and me for …well, just about everything.

Patricia’s “Voices” submission ran today (Friday, August 20) in the Globe and online at I don’t mind the input. In fact, when people stop writing in about my weekly entertainment column, that’s when I’ll get concerned. Patricia, thanks for reading and thanks for the letter.

I was happy to have a few folks on Facebook and in the Globe’s comments section come to my defense. I’m not getting excited yet. It’s still early and the tide of online support could quickly shift.


By Patricia Thompson
Special to The Globe

JOPLIN, Mo. — Recently,  I read a couple of articles wherein Dave Woods described his trip to Branson and details on what he had to eat and drink and the full prices of each meal.

At that time I was appalled to think that he would put such full details in the paper. It seems he had eaten at some very costly places, and at a time when families are scraping funds to simply buy a box of macaroni and cheese or a can of beans, it seemed inappropriate to brag on what he had to eat and drink.

Today, another article appears in the Globe that “Booze is big business.” It seems someone had written to Mr. Woods about all the drinking articles in the paper. From Mr. Woods’ reply, I could see that he was irritated about the person’s letter. People do get upset when someone steps on their toes with the truth. It seems the person had called him an “old sot,” at age 45. I’m sorry Mr. Woods, but looking at your picture I thought you were an “old sot,” at age 60, but do know it is a proven fact that drinking does age a person, and I know this picture is several years old.

It saddens my heart that someone would state that Joplin is simply for eating, drinking and casinos. If this is true, why are they putting so much money into downtown to make it a more cultural city? Also, why did Vegas put so much money into making their town family-oriented? Why does your paper continually have articles on workers stealing funds from their companies to cover their casino loses? Do you feel this is good? Why does your paper continually have articles on people killing other people while intoxicated? Do you feel this is good? It seems you may have your priorities on the wrong side of the track and should take a long hard look in a mirror and see what booze has done for you.

I would suggest that you and Globe columnist Mike Pound take a refresher course on what journalism is and how to write it. If neither of you have taken journalism courses, then I suggest you do. Journalism is all about the people and not about you and what you like. May Joplin be more than your expectations.

Patricia Thompson, Joplin

August 20, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment